Mis en ligne le 2024-01-16
Clément Clément

N3 by N2G

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  •  Le Plessis Bouchard (95)
  • 40,00 €60,00 €

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    Zone de retrait: Le Plessis Bouchard (95), FR
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  • Lettre suivie < 250 g - 4.80 € : L'expédition se fera sous 3 jours par Lettre suivie La Poste. Ainsi, vous pourrez suivre à tout moment l’état d’avancement de votre commande.
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Imagine a silver Half Dollar in your hand when, without any cover or movement, it suddenly changes into a Penny!

Yes, you read it correctly! From a spectator's view there is absolutely NO MOVEMENT when the change happens. Both sides of the coin can be immediately displayed after the change happens.

You can use N3 in many other coin exchange routines as well.

"N3 is a much easier way to perform my Hellbound Remix. Great job by N2G!" - Eric Jones

"Excellent precision and craftsmanship, it is a pro's dream!" - Gao Zhao

"The change is so natural. It's the cleanest color change of a coin effect in the world." - Tom Yu

In the video trailer when the coin changes from a Half Dollar to Penny while being held in the fingers of one hand, there is no video edit. What you see is exactly what you can do.

N2G MAGIC uses the highest quality materials to produce the N3. It is expertly machined and is an exquisitely handmade gimmick. When combined with a unique handling technique, N3 can be used to amaze your audience by its beauty.

N3 allows you to perform one of the CLEANEST, INSTANT, and most VISUAL color coin changes in the world.

There is nothing more to be said about how good N3 is. The trial video you can watch speaks for itself.


Quick and simple to set up
Resets instantly
Easy to do
Does not use a shell
Can be performed at any time in any place
Can start and finish with empty hands with proper handling
Gimmick lasts a life time

The instructional video will guide you through the unique handling to achieve an incredible effect with N3. You are not required to have much coin magic knowledge or experience. Just learning and practicing will allow you to amaze your friends.

The use of N3 is only limited by your imagination and creativity.
You can use it in card color change routines.
You can use it in mentalism routines.
You can use it in hypnosis shows.
You can use it in the street, on TV and in many other situations.
You can use it to amaze your audience and friends.
It is the perfect coin effect for any professional magician or amateur.

You will learn it, practice it, perform it and LOVE it!

Magic just happens in your finger...

Take the N3 Coin Set with you anywhere and perform miracles anytime.




Etat du produit

  • Comme neuf

Toutes les évaluations reçues par ce vendeur :

  • Cédric
  • 14 janv. 2024
  • Que dire de plus sur Clément à ajouter à ces 5 étoiles?
    Peut-être que c'est le roi de l'envoi rapide & soigner, un colis emballer
    au top! 6 étoiles ;)

  • Sébastien
  • 22 avr. 2022
  • Contact sérieux et très réactif.
    Merci !!

  • Jeremie
  • 24 oct. 2021
  • Très réactif, très bons échanges
    Excellent !! ??

  • Didier
  • 18 oct. 2021
  • très bon contact, rapide et soigneux.

  • Bruno
  • 19 juil. 2021
  • Super . Communication et transaction parfaite. Top


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